our team

Image by Marcin from Pixabay

The challenges we face today, like climate change, water scarcity and the increase of inequality, are calling us to transform the way we think and act in order to create a better future.

We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them,

Albert Einstein

Our vision

Art + Tech Society believes a better future can be created, by stimulating people to develop a new cultural mindset; one that uses art to make sense of the new world and uses technology and entrepreneurship to empower people to collaborate for a common purpose. In this new mindset, people become more self-, socially- and environmentally- aware of their impact, as individual and part of a collective; technological and artistic creativity come together to make people happy and live well; everyone is valued and respected and in which civilization appreciates the intrinsic value of the natural environment so that innovation has a positive ecological impact.

Our mission

Art + Tech Society (ATS) is a new and non-profit foundation, established in Eindhoven, committed to contribute to make this envisioned future by using art, technology and entrepreneurship in an impactful way. We do and will activate and empower people, organizations and communities to collaborate. We aim to become an impactful think-tank that creates knowledge and know-how, perhaps even wisdom, through organizing exhibitions, workshops and meetings in which reflection and awareness take place and people are given the means to start making change happen.

Our way of working

We believe that “art” can help people to become more creative, help them envision a better future and give them the motivation to reach it. Read more.

Our Remuneration Policy 

Remuneration Policy for directors, employees and volunteers:

  • The members of the board do not receive any remuneration for the work they have performed, other than compensation for expenses incurred.
  • Volunteers of the foundation do not receive any remuneration for their work. Any expenses will be reimbursed.
  • The foundation does not employ any employees.
  • The foundation also uses well-trained freelancers to carry out the programming and activities, who are paid at a competitive rate. We comply with the Fair Practice Code.

Our Policy Plan


The “Art + Tech Society” Foundation has as its most important source of income subsidies (national, provincial, municipal) from the sectors: culture, creative industry, innovation and sustainability.

In addition, the foundation’s assets can be supplemented by:

  • Sponsorships and donations from companies and other organizations
    Donations from participants in our events
  • Proceeds from activities of the foundation such as selling tickets to our events;
  • Contributions from those who sympathize with the purpose of the foundation, or in whose interest the foundation operates;
  • Hereditary acquisitions and gifts;
  • All other sources of income.

This income will directly or indirectly benefit cultural activities.

Our Annual Reports

In these reports you will find its progress, achievements, learning and great moments during the reporting period.

First Annual Report (Nov 2019 until Oct 2020). Please take a look at it.

Second Annual Report (Nov 2020 – Dec 2021). Please take a look at it.

Standaardformulier publicatieplicht ANBI Algemeen

You can find this official ANBI formulier in the following link:

Please take a look at it.

our key members

Mayra Ortega

Mayra Ortega

General Director

Luis Ferreira

Luis Ferreira

Technology Advisor

Board Members

Daniel Neugebauer

Daniel Neugebauer


Astrid Cats

Astrid Cats


Tinus Kanters

Tinus Kanters


Our partners

Let's get in touch
Say Hello!

Do you want to be updated about our coming events? 

Then, subscribe to our Newsletter:

Do you want to be directly involved in our activities? Then, send us a message:

13 + 6 =

You can always contact us directly at: mayra.ortega.maldonado@gmail.com a/o  Mob: +31 (0) 6 45 92 5001 (Mayra Ortega)

Stichting Art + Tech Society is a non-profit organization registered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands under the CoC (KvK) number 76420345 and the RSIN/Fiscaal nummer: 8606.18.195.