We are 

Art and
tech society

We aim to give a new impulse to the innovation heritage of Eindhoven.

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1125812 © Ali Mazraie shadi | Dreamstime.com

Who we are

Art + Tech Society (ATS) is a new and non-profit foundation, established in Eindhoven, committed to contribute to the creation of a better world by using art, technology and entrepreneurship as enablers of a nature-centric prosperity. We do and will activate and empower people, organizations and communities to collaborate.

We aim to become an impactful platform that creates knowledge and know-how, perhaps even wisdom, through organizing exhibitions, workshops and meetings in which reflection and awareness take place and people are given the means to start making change happen.

What we do

ATS’ ambitions are not small. We will, however, start in a local and small way with two complementary activities:

  • Cultural Expeditions are open events in which people can reflect on societal paradigms (mental models) to start proposing alternative paths that lead us to a better future.
  • Transition Lab is a current community of multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary professionals and students who will work on making Eindhoven, a more nature-inclusive city.

Take a look at Our Programs to know more. 

Image by HannePeer3 from Pixabay 

Join our movement, by being involved in one of 

our activities

Every month, we will share with you interested information about our events, relevant info to take a look at a/o news from our partners

Events and Announcements

Groen Cafe Event:

“Sustainable Eindhoven – are you in”

Date:  Saturday March 4th from 14;00 to 16:00

Place: Microlab, Eindhoven

Entree: 2.5 euros

Language: English

Do you care about the environment and would like to meet like-minded people? How about learning new skills, exchanging ideas about sustainability and taking action? This can be anything from growing your own food, learning new sustainable recipes, exchanging preloved items or being in nature together.

Join us Saturday 4th of March in an interactive session where you can express your motivation, needs and expectations about the sustainability related activities you would like to join in the future. This event will be the best place to start networking and meeting people like YOU!


Groen Cafe Evenement:

“Voel jij nattigheid?”

Datum:  Donderdag 2 Maart 20:00 – 21:45

Plaats: Blauwe Zaal TU/e, Eindhoven

Entree: Gratis

Taal: Nederlands

Ben je nieuwsgierig naar de taken en uitdagingen van Waterschap De Dommel in deze tijd? Bij de komende waterschapsverkiezingen op 15 maart kan iedere stemgerechtigde een stem uitbrengen op een partij waarvan je vindt dat die ‘de waterbelangen’ het beste behartigt. De uitslagen bepalen de bestuurssamenstelling van het waterschap. Maar wie zijn die partijen en zijn er keuzes te maken?

Op 2 maart is er een bijeenkomst bij de TU/E waarin de partijen hun standpunt toelichten en waarin de bezoekers inbreng kunnen hebben. De bijeenkomst is georganiseerd op initiatief van het Groencafé Eindhoven, uitgevoerd door het Waterschap De Dommel. Te gast zijn o.a. Erik de Ridder, Watergraaf en Anouk van der Poll, Embassy of Water.



There are more events to come… you will hear from us soon


Let's get in touch
Say Hello!

Do you want to be updated about our coming events? 

Then, subscribe to our Newsletter:

Do you want to be directly involved in our activities? Then, send us a message:

4 + 7 =

You can always contact us directly at: mayra.ortega.maldonado@gmail.com a/o  Mob: +31 (0) 6 45 92 5001 (Mayra Ortega)

Stichting Art + Tech Society is a non-profit organization registered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands under the CoC (KvK) number 76420345 and the RSIN/Fiscaal nummer: 8606.18.195.